30 Days of November, Day 24: Of Gratitude

Happy Thanks Giving!

Yesterday was turkey day in the USA. Here in Barbados we don't celebrate that holiday so I went to work as normal. It did however get me thinking about giving thanks for the numerous blessings that I have in my life. Gratitude is one way to grow in contentment. It can be a very useful tool in curbing impulsive spending habits and also to reduce the amount of time a person spends complaining.

For me practicing gratitude helped me to realize exactly how good my life is now in comparison to  when I was younger. I have come a long way in the last eight years of my life. I have gained a lot of knowledge and even managed to turn a bit of it into wisdom. I can see how everything that happened, good or ill, lead me to being the woman that I am today.

To celebrate this fact, I decided to list a few things for which I am very grateful:

1) God's Grace

2) My family and friends

3) My home

4) My job

5) My intellect and sense humour

6) More than enough food

7) Clean water

8) Living on an island

9) The use of my hands

10) My five senses

I could go on and on, but those are the ones that strike me now. I hope it isn't too early to make New Year's Resolutions, or goals as the case maybe because I have one in mind. I want to add at least 3 thing I am grateful for at the bottom of each of my daily journal posts, so that gratitude becomes a habit. I believe that this will help me to keep perspective and to not get over run with undue worry.

Lastly, I want to thank you for reading. I am grateful for this space to express myself freely and to share my life with the world.


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