30 Days Of November, Day 14: Of Goals

I had a very quiet day today and I took the time to review my personal index cards. One of these is a list of my Top Five Life Goals and I decided to share them with you. Making goals isn't easy for me because I get very anxious when I start to think about the future. The farther out you go, the fuzzier everything gets.

I can't deny that I think it is important to make goals, but promulgating any list such as a Bucket List or a 35 Things to do before 35, only makes me feel like either the most boring woman alive or the least adventurous.

None the less, I bravely put together the following list by making a larger list and then ruthlessly paring it down. I eliminated goals that were vague or two similar and really tried to only leave behind goals which resonated with me on a fundamental level.

The criteria I used for this also included the guide lines that goals needed to be such that they were attainable and finite so that there would be no confusion as to if I had reached a milestone or not.

Armed with this I ended up with less than Five goals in the end but the four I had remaining fit my criteria well, and also felt 'right'.

1) Run Out Of Yarm

I used to be a yarnholic and have accumulated two shipping barrels worth of yarn. My aim is to use up or give away every last skein. This may take me several years, and it also has an additional caveat of not purchasing any more yarn during that time to make this goal attainable.

2)Be able to Retire at 60

This goal is pretty straight forward. Retirement age in Barbados is currently 67 and it may increase. With my health issues I would like to be able to Retire before then if I wish. This requires me to adequately fund a private Retirement account so I can create an annuity to cover my need for income before my National Insurance money kicks in.

3) Save 15000 by 2027

Aside from Retirement I want to save this much in cash by the target date. It is doable at the moment, I should with the help of interest be able to save extra with how much I plan to put into the account each month. I'll be 40 by the time this happens. 40! I can't even imagine what life will be like for me by then.

4) Own less than 500 Items

This is something to work on over time, and something to hopefully maintain. Running out of yarn will help this total a lot and I will note that I don't count food stuff like cans of tuna in the total. The number is some what arbitrary but I think it is doable! Minimalism FTW.

There you have it. I admit that none of this is very exciting but it is authentic. I will let you know how I am getting on with each as time goes by. What goals do you have that you want to reach in life? Tell me about it in the comments.


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