Shopaholic Saturdays No. 2

I suffer with my love for yarn, candles and soap. It is a burden that I gratefully carry. I have always had a soft spot for black and white home decor - from art prints to wall vinyl and of course chopsticks. Did I mention my obsession with eating with chopsticks - I've even used them for mash potatoes and endured the stares with aplomb.

Chop sitcks
I am forever looking online even when I know I shouldn't, couldn't, be buying anything. That however hardly stops me. I am a window-shopper, using my internet to browse.

On any given day and yes even today, the click - clackety - click  on my keyboard is more about looking at some items or researching prices than about writing.

Hand-made soap
Today however affair with perusing my purchasable pleasures can come together in seamless harmony with my passion for the written medium.I have recently made a trip to my post office and mail handler and returned with twelve packages.

Yes I am serious, twelve.

each filled with all manner of treats from yarn to chopsticks and paper for Anne, my faithful typewriter.

Cute Beeswax Candle
I felt so relieved that the kind Post-lady changed me not one penny in customs only the nominal 75c per package. I was flying high.

I was further chuffed because for once, at least the quarter of the packages were gifts for my best friend Dana and Anne. Buying things for others makes my addiction less menacing... doesn't it?

The items you can see peppered through-out this post are the conquests of my online war with my budget and my ability to find what I want for what I can afford to pay.

 Not always the cheapest but value for money. And best of all 100% Satisfaction when I open the package at home.

Project Bags
          I hope you have enjoyed this journey. I for one can't stop smiling. Stayed tuned for more Shopaholic moments, as long as I can, I will shop and that is just the truth of it. Though admittedly I'm getting really good at cutting out my impulsive buying.

Citronella Tea light


  1. Am impressed with your selections! Love the beewax candles and where in the world did you get the project bags??? I have been looking for something like that. Also, please post about the stitchery book some time when you have had a chance to look through it - I'm in the market for something like this and want to know if it might fit the bill.

  2. @Inky Thanks Inky. I got the project bags off of Etsy. They are so gorgeous in person. If you'd like I'll email you the seller information.

    And I will post about the book just for you when I get into it.

    Take care!


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