Painting 101
Not feeling so well today, but I am muddling through as best I can. I came to joyfully share some paintings that I did recently under the tutelage of a talented sister in Christ. Her name is Adrianne and here is her website , you can find her art work for sale. Without further ado! This one was done on canvas, using tape. I love it. And my first landscape! There were done up in acrylic. I must say that I now have the painting bug and have added it to my list of hobbies. I have a good array of brushes, graciously gifted to me by a friend and a small set of acrylic paints I got off of Ebay. Adrienne alo gave me some basic exercises to practice techniques and shading; I am eager to do it. Expect to hear much more of this process as I go along this path. I am eager to share it with you all.